Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Guilt! Two weeks fumbling around, not writing

Why is it that when I go to my writers' group, and I can't write my novel, poetry doesn't count? In fact, that is when and where I have written most of my poems. But that new novel is sitting there frowning, begging me to get back to it. I think I have come to that sticky place where I have put it all in order and know I need to do so much more, yet it is starting to look like a real novel. This sequel to Cellini's Revenge, is fighting with me. Should it stand alone, or should it continue on? It can be both. But the pause was really necessary. Once I got back to it, I thought, heck, this is a really good novel. And tht is what those poetry moments are allowing me to do. We all need a break.

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